

Hi, I’m Jac Vanek!  You may know me from your MySpace Top 8, as the OG Scene Queen, as that bitch who dated your favorite guitarist from P!ATD, as “the bracelet girl”, or as the photo of the scene haircut you brought to your hairdresser in 2005.  Regardless of how you met me back in the day, I know for certain that one thing is for sure: you loved emo music.  And if you’re reading this now, you STILL love emo music.  And guess what?! I do too.

Not to be sappy or anything, but emo music has literally shaped my entire live.  Everything from my career to my best friends to the love of my life has 100% been a product of my love for emo music.  And if you grew up in the scene like I did, you know just how fucking special it was.  From getting squished on the barricade in 100 degrees at Warped Tour, to playing Box Full Of Sharp Objects on repeat driving home from high school, to waiting in line for 10 hours to meet Gerard Way after the show, everything about the emo scene was so uniquely…emo.

I will never love something as much as I loved music as a teenager.  The obsession and adoration I had for emo music and the scene when I was younger trumps anything I will ever experience in my life.  And you can take the kid out of the emo, but you can never take the emo out of the kid.  And because of that, my ELDER EMO collection was born.


Turns out IT WAS NEVER A PHASE.  My ELDER EMO collection is for all the emos who rocked extreme side parts, globs of black eyeliner, raccoon tail extensions, and arms full of JV bracelets.  For my emos who’s hobbies included opening up the circle pit at Warped, trying to sneak backstage, and stalking Pete Wentz.  For my emos who communicated exclusively through LiveJournal comments and T-Mail on our Sidekicks.  For my emos who now are now developing chronic back pain and stomach issues, because, you know...aging.  This collection is for all of my ELDER EMOS, because no matter how old we get, our hearts will forever live in 2009.